Friday, October 21, 2016

2016- Artistic Collaboration with the Creative Kitchen of "ELISABETH JULIENNE" TOP CHEF - Bristol (UK)

2016- Artistic Collaboration with the Creative Kitchen of "ELISABETH JULIENNE" TOP CHEF - Bristol (UK)
2016- Colaboración Artística con la Cocina Creativa de "Elisabeth Julienne" TOP CHEF - Bristol (Reino Unido)
2016- Col.laboració Artística amb "Elisabeth Julienne" TOP CHEF - Bristol (Regne Unit)

Actually working in / Actualmente trabajando en / Actualment treballant a:

 Prawns                                                                                                    Octopus


 Strawberry Pudding

"Art is an open concept" / "El Arte es un concepto abierto" / "L´Art es un concepte obert"

To be continued, stay tuned... / Continuará, estén atentos... / Continuarà, estiguin atents...

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

2016/15- "Sexy, love, joy" (Little Installations with recycled matherials)

2016/15- "Sexy, love, joy" (Little Installations with recycled matherials)
2016/15- "Sexy, love, joy" (Pequeñas instalaciones con materiales reciclados)
2016/15- "Sexy, love, joy" (Petites instal.lacions amb materials reciclats)

"Sexy" Detail / Detalle / Detall

Mixed media on skateboard table with wine corks

Mixed media on skateboard table with wine corks

"Love" Detail / Detalle / Detall

Mixed media with wine corks

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